My dad, one of Mr. E Sreedharan's most trusted lieutenants (then Chief Engineer of Tunnels) in Konkan Railway during (1993-1996), talks about the now famous 'Metro Man' as one who will be remembered like Gandhi in times to come. I had a great opportunity to meet this living legend and listen to an inspiring speech by him at the Konkan Railway founders day on Oct 15th, 2009 and I was moved. Such agility at an advanced age of 77 and such humility! He enquired about everything from children's playground, hospital, ladies club, health etc and asked personally for certain people during this visit. I have had an opportunity to meet Mr. Sreedharan on a few occasions but this is the first time I heard him speak publicly. He spoke slowly and softly and without any written aid and many things stood out from this speech. I have heard many great, successful and famous people speak but none has had such a profound impact on me.
1) He spoke about punctuality and respecting other people's time. He said respect people by respecting their time
2) He spoke about integrity. His integrity led government to invite him to chair Rs. 2500 crore Konkan Railway and Rs. 10000 crore (phase 1) Delhi Metro and Rs. 22000 crore (phase 2) Delhi Metro project. If anything that can win a battle and war for you in all fronts of your life it is this timeless value of integrity - personal as well as professional integrity
3) He spoke about health - sound sleep, good food, exercise, spending time with loved ones, i.e. overall balance, as a key to a happy life and its easy to see how he has practiced this value to its heart. He is 77 and can put a 30-something to shame.
4) He spoke about inculcating spiritual values as a key to achieving happiness, peace and success, i.e. work done with an attitude of service, not money, giving one's best always and leaving the final results to God. He emphasized the value in giving time for personal introspection and getting in touch with the spiritual power within us.
5) He also spoke about excelling in one's job by knowing everything as a key to self-confidence, self-assurance. If one excels one is beyond assail of any kind.
6) Last but not the least he emphasized the value of leading by example. Walking the talk.
God give Mr. Sreedharan a long life so that he can continue to inspire and lead the country and the world!