Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Another 2006 wishlist!

Here are some of the activities besides work and usual stuff, I hope I can get engaged in this year. Let's see next year at this time, how many of them are off this list :).

1. Learn skiing this winter. It's been a while I've been wanting to do it, hopefully I can get a chance this ski season.
2. Learn professional photography. I plan to enrol in a course in UC-Berkeley extension by the end of this month.
3. Try snorkelling and scuba diving.
4. Learn a new language. Maybe French.
5. Try ballroom dancing.
6. Hopefully I can get a chance to go for more camping, kayaking and hiking this year.
7. Try golf.
8. Incorporate a fitness program on day-to-day basis.

I'll leave at this point. That's quite a list for now.