Wednesday, January 04, 2006

March of the penguins

One of the most touching movies I have seen in 2005. A brilliant story with an equally brilliant narration captures the heart and touches the soul.

Summary in short : The 70 KM march of the penguins, in the Antarctica, towards the nesting area, males choosing their females mates (yes, complete with dating :)), females laying eggs and protecting these eggs from harsh Antarctic winter, males making a march towards the sea to fetch food for the chicks that will come once these eggs are hatched, some males losing their lives on the way and finally coming "home" to re-unite with their respective mate and chick (recognizing it from the cry) and experiencing the joy of feeding the chick. Then the females leaving for the sea to feed themselves and then returning to their respective chick...

Its a story of love, sacrifice, caring, sharing and courage ... Highly recommended

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